With the start of the New Year we tend to think of making those resolutions. Do you really want to call them resolutions? We always have great intentions and we get off to a good start, but by the end of January it's forgotten. Let’s start 2021 with some new techniques to keep the momentum throughout the year. We want to take a more practical and obtainable approach. Incorporate these 5 things during your week, or even better, every day.
Word of the Year
Identify a Word of the Year that will be your guide in the year ahead. This will help with bringing focus and clarity into your life. In essence, it’s your personal mantra and will help guide your daily actions. You should start by reflecting on what you would like in your life. Visualize how it feels when thinking of certain words. You want to see how they resonate with you. Next, you should create a list and narrow it down from there. You may need a few days to narrow it down further and see what your commitment is to each word. You may also see a pattern with the words but focus on what brings you peace and empowerment. This process sounds more complicated than it is. The key is to find that word that will help make you a better version of yourself within your life. This word will set your intention on creating positive change. Send it out into the Universe and use it as your phone wallpaper, write it on your mirror, add it to your workspace. Keep it visible to reinforce 2021.
Get your visions going for 2021? Now that you have your word of the year, why not get your vision in check. A great way is to create a vision board. You can do this via Pinterest or on an actual poster board. No clue what a vision board is? It's a visual representation of your goals. It should include anything that inspires or motivates you. This is a visual way to prioritize your plans, dreams and goals for the year ahead. Once created you need to place your vision board where you can see it every day. This will help with believing and internalizing your goals.
Drink More Tea
This may seem hokey if you are not a consistent tea drinker already. There are serious health benefits to drinking various types of teas. From green tea that is energy boosting, metabolism friendly, and great for the gut to herbal teas each jam packed with their own health benefits. Not only is tea delicious, but it is also soothing. When you are winding down from a crazy day at work, boil some water and take in the flavor of your tea. The warmth and feel of the steam against your nose as you sip. These are the moments that we should enjoy - the moments that remind us to slow down. Tea can be therapeutic; find a flavor you enjoy!
Express 3 Things You are Grateful For
At the end of each day when you are finishing up your supper, finished washing the dishes, or after putting the kids to bed - take a minute to write down 3 things you are grateful for. What made that day particularly special? Were there major things you had to overcome? Did someone make you smile? Was the sun shining? Reflect on your day and express gratitude for what it gave you to be joyous for, or the lessons the day taught you. If you are more of a morning person, write down 3 things you are grateful for to start your day off on the right foot. Think about what you have to look forward to, whose been there to lend a listening ear, what you aspire to accomplish. Bonus points for writing out 3 daily affirmations too (example: I AM dedicated to my own personal well-being, so I will express my gratitude each day).
Never Stop Improving
If you've got dreams, then go for them. The only one standing in your way is most commonly yourself. This sounds impossible when there's also financial ties, responsibilities, family, etc. but you can do it. It IS achievable and you should never give up. With that said, even when you can't run right out the door to achieve your goals, there's a lot you can do to slowly approach those goals. Learning new skills, reading about it, or even making small attempts before taking the plunge can help you to not only prepare for the end result, but improve in other areas of your life as well. Even if you don't achieve certain goals, the steps you take to get there will help your life become well rounded and more fulfilled.
These are a few things you can do to get off to a good year. It can feel challenging after coming out of a COVID filled 2020. We need to start fresh and be hopeful that 2021 will be a better year for us all. We, at Better Living Now, wish you a very Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year!
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